Project 3: Endapidapoi
Some summary data of the project
May 2016 Survey
September 2016 Drilling, pump test 24 hours
March-April 2017 Installation manual pump
Construction laundry
Construction protective enclosure
April 2017-September 2018 Multiple breakdowns of manual pump
(water stabilisation level too deep
for a manual pump)
October-November 2018 Installation motorized pump and
14 solar pannels
Construction 30'000 L tank
March 2019 Official inauguration of site
Beneficiaries 1614 personnes
Drill depth 173 m
Water flow 4'000 L/h
Total cost project 41'040.- CHF
Participation Jack Guberan's
Foundation 17'500.- CHF
Survey Hydrogéological Unit Internal
Drainage Basin Water Office
Drilling company Ardhi Water Wells
Dar es Salaam
The project in pictures
Phase I - field survey (survey) - May 2016

Preparation of machines for the survey

The community is there to help

The surveyed area is very large, in order to increase the chances of finding water

The data is noted

The points bringing together promising data are numbered and a marker is planted so that they can be found.
The data collected during the survey will be studied in order to establish the point which is most likely to give water.
Phase I - drilling - September 2016

Arrival of trucks on site
What a joy to see water gush. The first tests show sufficient flow to equip the borehole

Community, engineers and workers pray before drilling begins

The construction site

Fadhili Magogwa, our local engineer in charge of the project, exults with joy

The PVC tubes are laid and gravel is introduced to stabilize the tubes.
Phase II - borehole cleaning (flush) - September 2016

Introduction of the pipe through which compressed air will be injected and the borehole will thus be cleaned. This phase is called flush.
Phase III - 24 hour test - September 2016
In order to determine the exact flow of the water point and its level of stabilization, a motorized submersible pump is introduced into the borehole, as well as an instrument measuring the water level. The pump, according to the protocol of the test, must work for 24 hours, during which the flow rate is measured every hour, as well as the level of water depth. This data will make it possible to know the exact flow and the level of stabilization of the water.

During the "pump test", the community takes advantage of the flowing water. Then, they will have to wait a few months before they can have access to water again. We must indeed wait for the installation of the manual pump.
The pump test will attest that the flow of this water point is 4,000 L/h and that the stabilization point of this flow is at a depth of 60m

The water looks clean. Laboratory analyzes will confirm that it is suitable for consumption
Phase IV - Installation of manual pump, laundry construction (March-April 2017)

The community was able to benefit from drinking water from April 2017.
Phase V - Water at Endapidapoi! or not! - April 2017 to September 2018

The community was very happy to be able to have water close to their huts.
Before the project, the women had to walk 3 hours there and 3 hours back to bring back water.
However, the community leader of Endapidapoi informed us that you have to pump in the vacuum for about 10 minutes before you see the water flowing; then you never had to stop, otherwise you had to start all over again.
Long queues were forming and many containers were not filled at the end of the day.

To this already difficult situation are added breakdowns, which the community was able to face, by having the pump repaired using the money collected during the water distribution. From April to October 2017, there will be 4 breakdowns.
Below are photos of one of the repairs. Each time, you have to take out the metal tubes. This not only takes time, but must be executed carefully and professionally, as wrong handling could damage the borehole forever.

Arrival and installation of the tripod which will be used to take out the metal tubes which are connected to the pump

One after the other, the tubes are taken out using a rope fixed to the tripod, by the strength of the arms. These are unscrewed, until reaching the pump.

Fadhili Magogwa, local engineer and responsible for all the projects ofElewa Africa, supervises the work, under the watchful eye of Krysia Cinelli

The pump is working again, but the situation remains difficult
From the end of the project, the committee will be kept regularly informed of the situation.
The energy needed to get the water out, the successive breakdowns over a short period of time and the long line that forced the women to wait for hours, sometimes to return without water, led the committee to opt for an improvement in the project.
Indeed, a manual pump does not make it possible to fully exploit the flow rate of 4,000 L/h available.
Decision is made to replace the manual pump with a motorized pump, install solar panels and build a water tank.
Explanation of the project to the community - September 2018
Before proceeding with the search for funds, meetings are organized to present the project to the community and ask them if they are ready to take on the management.
Financial participation, up to their means but still representing a significant burden for each family, ensures that the community takes ownership of the project and undertakes to take care of it.
Elewa-Africa is working to find the funds necessary for the realization of this new project.
Work can start in November 2018.

Phase VI - project improvement: water tank, motorized pump and solar panels - November 2018-March 2019
For construction, you first need water. The pump being broken down, it is by motorbike that she arrives on site (200L at a time!)

The concrete is mixed by hand

The concrete bricks are prepared on site, manually, well in advance so that they can have time to dry.
Construction of the 30,000 L water tank (raised)

Tank construction

March 2019, the tank is finished
Motorized pump installation and solar panels
Time to remove the hand pump

Time to remove the hand pump

motorized pump insertion at 60 m depth

Solar panels (14 in all)
Phase VII - formation of the responsible committee - February 2019

According to the protocol imposed by the Tanzanian government, at the end of each project a responsible committee must be constituted and this committee must be formed. For a short week, the representatives of the governments, as well as the local engineers of Elewa Africa, form the committee elected by the community for the use of the control panel, aspects related to hygiene and the financial management of the project. The community must indeed pay a monthly installment to access water and the money must be set aside to compensate for possible breakdowns.
The official inauguration, an unforgettable party! - March 2019
In March 2019, the official inauguration of the site took place. Laure Gillet and Krysia Cinelli, committee membersElewa Africa, were lucky enough to be able to attend the official part, with the authorities, the dances and the songs. It was a wonderful day, filled with shared joy and satisfaction. The community gave us gifts
Arrival of women
Laure and Krysia join the dance

Official speeches and songs alternate cheerfully
National anthem
Maasai warriors and their traditional jumps
Young warriors and maidens dance together

Krysia Cinelli, Laure Gillet and Fadhili Magogwa
According to the tradition of the country, a bucket of water is put on the head of the representative of the community
Since March 2019, the Endapidapoi community has taken full advantage of the project.
In the middle of the African savannah, in the middle of 30 Maasai bomas (groups of family houses), water flows from a tap.
The beneficiary population was able to show its commitment and its seriousness, by taking care of the project in an exemplary manner.
A very big thank you goes to Jack Guberan's Foundation who, once again, trusted us and supported us financially.